Sunday, May 24, 2009


This is very exciting! I've been meaning to start a blog for sometime now but never really knew how to organize my shit nor decide on what to to post first.

I will be posting my anecdotes and opinion as I go, hope you enjoy them as much as I had enjoyed experiencing them. 

I just finished a macro-economics assignment, what a mess! I had to search for central banks of an oil producing country and a non oil producing country to compare their GDP's over the last five years and somehow analyze the data (do I look like an economist!?).

for the first choice I picked saudi arabia :D but as for the second choice I had to go through three f'n countries!! the 1st one i chose was lebanon, when I entered the site I found no economy! no GDP! I swear a cone of ice-cream there is 2000 livres! (their currency). my 2nd choice was Bahrain (so now I'm thinking to myself this has gotta be good cuz they have this new campaign as a business friendly country so I figured their economy must be booming with activity and new projects) think I was right?? nigga the hellz na! theirs was the most ridiculous one...they had nothing published but did have the courtesy to display "Please visist us again soon" as if it were a restaurant or someshit! I can just imagine their stores "we are closed because we are currently not open" WTF!
finally for my third choice i went with egypt. Thankfully, their data was ready and available.

when I came to analyze the numbers for saudi, all I could see was more numbers! so I tried to take a hunch and wrote: the numbers look pretty good, certainly positive, I can see a gradual increase in GDP, long live the king.
as for egypt, somehow when I calculated the data i ended up with negative statistical results :s

ps. i am not talking to myself, I will have subscribers and readers soon!

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